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North Kigezi Diocese Health facilities’ In-Charges and the HUMC members receive training from Joint Medical Store (JMS).

As part of the partnership between North Kigezi Diocese and Joint Medical Store (JMS), the North Kigezi Diocese Health Units Management Committees(HUMC) and the In-charges received a One-day training on 19th November 2019. The training was offered and facilitated by the Joint Medical Store (JMS) at Canon Beatrice Ruhindi Training Centre, Kinyasano-Rukungiri. The main topics included;

  • Stakeholder management
  • Governance of Health Facilities
  • Policy and planning, and
  • Financial management for Health facilities

North Kigezi Diocese appreciates the good partnership with Joint Medical Stores in spearheading God’s Service in the Healing Ministry, as We grow together in Christ.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sam

    This is the way to go, thank u…

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