North Kigezi Diocese entered into partnership with compassion international Uganda to support orphans

& very needy children so that they can release them from poverty Jesus’ name. This is done by established projects Located at different local churches & they are 12 projects under North Kigezi Diocese Children & youth ministry. The first projects started operating in December 1999 & they have been in existence in our diocese for 19 years and a lot of transformation & development is done in the Children’s ministry.

The umbrella leader (Bishop) and the Diocesan secretary are persons responsible to make the ministry run effectively. They appoint project overseers who are the immediate supervisors of the Front-line church partner staff and report to the Diocesan secretary.

The Partnership Facilitator is the link person between the church and compassion international who works with the umbrella leader to make sure that partnership is growing and that programs are running very well.

The motto is: “Releasing Children from Poverty of All Forms in Jesus Name”

Currently, compassion assisted projects under the North Kigezi Diocese support 3,865 children above 1 year and 76 child survival beneficiaries (both children and pregnant mothers). These children are sponsored under two programs namely: Child Development sponsorship programs & Child Survival program.