Bishop Onesimus Asiimwe visits Rukungiri Prisons Chapel at Rukungiri Government Prisons and conducts a confirmation service.

The Bishop was accompanied by the Rujumbura Archdeacon; Ven. Amatsiko Niwegariho and were welcomed by Rev. Ronald Natuhwera, who is the volunteering Prions Chaplain.

The Bishop gave a message of hope to the inmates, and 45 gave their lives to Christ, while 41 got confirmed in the Anglican faith.

The Rukungiri Government Prisons Officer In Charge; Brendah Namuli appreciated the North Kigezi leadership for the pastoral care and support rendered to the prisons, which plays a very big role in the rehabilitation of the inmates, and the general management of the prisons.

The OC also appreciated Bishop Onesimus for the message of hope to the inmates and the prison staff.

The hopeful inmates through their representative expressed their gratitude to the Bishop and his team for their thoughtfulness, highlighting that the Chapel Administration and the Bishop’s visit gives them hope and restores their importance to life knowing that they’re thought about, and they are being prayed for, “We came here as murderers, thieves, rapists, but now we are called children of God.” Inmate.

The inmates also appreciated the Bishop’s agenda of the revival of North Kigezi and pleaded with him to preach against domestic violence; which most of them are being charged.

The Bishop promised a Christmas gift of a cow to the inmates.”

To God be the glory!

(The Bishop’s sermon at Rukungiri Prison coming soon, on the North Kigezi Diocese YouTube channel)