
Welcome to the Youth and Children Department page.

This is a Ministry charged with facilitating historic growth and development of youths (o-35years), so that they may be enabled to realize their full potential in God’s plan. Our motivation is holistic revolution aiming at winning more youthful hearts for Christ. These youth look to be certainly lost and trapped in the “Prosperity Gospel”, are bulldozed by any church movement that comes their way. In essence, they are like sheep without shepherd.


Have an enlightened, well prepared, gospel driven and motivated Christian body that shares Christ together with God’s love.

Activities done in 2018:

 God provided the finances necessary for the Project of training young leaders in our Diocese. We hosted a team of Youth from Armidale (Australia).  We held a Diocesan Next Generation Youth Conference this year 8th – 13th January.

We had an opportunity to run a Boys and Girls Brigade workshop on 10th – 12th May 2018 where 60 students participated. This was a one way of equipping our young people who are today’s leaders in our Diocesan institutions.

We also had an opportunity to send two delegates to Nairobi Kenya to attend the East African Regional fellowship for Boys and Girls Brigade from 20th -24th August 2018 where they were commissioned as Officers. These are Mr. Julias Gumisiriza, Head Teacher Rwerere P.School and Ms Nankunda Vella a teacher at Nyakisoroza P.School.

Evangelism and discipleship have remained a corner stone and vanguard of our ministry. We were able to conduct three big youth rallies where over 1500 youth and students attended in all two rallies. We thank the head teachers and chaplains who spared all their time amidst the heavy schedule to be with us and sending students to us.

Youth department had an opportunity to go out to Kibungo Diocese in Rwanda for mission outreach and evangelism where 26 people represented the diocese on 30th August – 2nd September 2018.

We want to move a vote of thanks to our dear Bishop in partnership with Kampala Archdeaconry for launching a Youth Fellowship in Kampala which is chaired by Ben Amanya on 16th September 2018. This will be of great help in terms of mobilizing young people in and around Kampala and in coordination with Youth department in the diocese.

We have been able to carry out youth conferences in schools like Kashenyi S. School, Kyamakanda School, Kebisoni Blessed Sec School, Kakinga CDC and Kyamakanda CDC, seminars and enrolling young people in Anglican Youth Fellowship. We also had an opportunity to run parenting workshops to Rubirizi, Kashenyi, Bugangari, Buhunga, and Bwanga alongside the fathers Union programs.

Examining confirmation candidates has remained a core value to train young children to grow as mature Christians.

Ministry supporters

  1. We were blessed to partner with the ATTA (Healing one at a time) which has its source from California in USA. They supported us with 1000 water filters to supply clean water vulnerable children in different families and schools. We were able to cover the neediest areas and 1000 families have benefited in this program.  According to reports that we receive, the filters are working well and many families have benefited from them and for this reason, we are more hopeful of getting 10.000 filters next year which will cover 10.000 families worth costing $450.000. Many thanks to our Bishop and Canon Frank Katusiime who helped us in the process of waiving off the taxes from this donation.

Activities for 2019.

  1. We are having the Next generation Conference which will begin on 6th -11th 2019.
  2. We hope to have an outreach Youth and children’s ministry in our schools and churches from in 2019 using our Kampala youth group and other organized youth groups here in the diocese. This will include workshops, conferences, seminars and youth enrollment to AYF
  3. Diocesan Youth competition in Sports and music. We encourage Pastors to support these activities to involve young people during their holidays.
  4. September/ October 2019, we shall have our annual children’s mission around the diocese. We pray that every Parish get involved in this to make children aware that they are part of Christian congregation.
  5. We hope to train young people in leadership skills using 3Ds, (Discovery, Develop and Deploy) a program that initiated by the province of the church of Uganda in partnership with CMS.
  6. Keep running Youth Rallies which bring young people together.
  7. We hope to have a Sunday school teacher training which will help to feel the gaps in churches where there is a lot of need.
  8. We hope to provide 500 Bibles to young people where we encourage young people to read the Word of God as their daily bread.
  9. We pray that next year in August we have an outreach ministry in Northern Uganda in Karamoja Diocese if God wills. This will help our young people to get exposed to the new environment, culture and borrow a leaf from there.
  10. Youth Sundays, Boys and Girls Brigade week and examining confirmation candidates to be continued.

Big Dreams for the Youth Ministry.

  1. We pray that we resume the Guitar Ministry and we hope to reach our chapels and churches and have an opportunity to train youths how to play those guitars.
  2. We pray that our dream come as a reality of having a Youth Convention in 2020. This will bring many youths from all works of life together and hear the word, fellowship, and interact for the good cause.

3. Our biggest dream as Youth Department is to have a Guest House and we hope God will make away for this. Pray with us to see this coming as a reality.

4. It has been our dream to have a ministry for many years and this time, we are hoping for the best to have a TATA Star Costa Bus model 2016 which we dream that it will cost us UGs 150.000.000= (One hundred and fifty million. Our target is to have before the Youth Convention in 2020.