Welcome to the Mothers’ Union page.
Greetings in our Lord’s name Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Mothers’ Union has been doing many different activities and some are still going on. These include;
- Prayers and Fellowships: We always have prayers and fellowships every day. When there are special prayers, we go to special places like Prayer Mountain (Besania). Here a word of God is read and shared.
- Radio Program: This is on every Sunday evening on Radio Rukungiri 9.6FM, from 5:30 – 6:00pm under the Theme “Amaka marungi” (Healthy Families) with different presenters talking about different topics.
- Meetings and workshops: We have many different meetings including; MU Executive meetings, Council meetings, Western region meetings, Provincial meetings, Staff management meetings and workshops. These are meant to improve our work.
- Mothers’ Union Quota: This is our main source of income. It is collected through the Diocesan Treasury every year. We thank pastors and Mothers ‘Union leaders who help in collecting these funds.
- Mary’s Day celebrations: It is always celebrated every year on 25th March in all parishes. New members are enrolled and most of the mothers’ Union Quota funds are collected.

Mothers’ Union Council Members 2019

Can.Beatrice Students with their Principal and tutors
- Visits:
ii) Sick people and the bereaved
iii) Prisoners (female)
We always visit the above mentioned categories of people. When we go there, a word of God is read and shared.
- Health Competitions: This is done every year. Mothers’ Union leaders go around every home observing general cleanliness. They award marks according to the cleanliness of each home.
- Projects:
Institutions: Canon Beatrice Ruhindi Training Centre. This caters for girls who could not continue with their studies because of school fees and other problems.
Mothers’ Union Vehicle : This sometimes hired and brings in an income. We thank God for this.
Tailoring machines: We make clerical clothes, students’ uniforms, mothers’ union Bitengye (uniforms).
Mothers’ Union Craft Shop Project
This is a small project under crafts and other Mothers’ Union items on reduced prices.
All women bring in their crafts for sell and this has added on their income. We praise God for this.
The Photograph a side shows Mothers’ Union President Maama Gladys Magezi and Mothers’ Union Coordinator arranging the crafts.
Future plans
- Constructing a permanent kitchen for Canon Beatrice Ruhindi Training Centre
- Building a hostel in the Mothers’ Union plot at the Junction-Kinyasano.