God's Project

The five finger Project.
Finger 1. – Medical Services – All disabled.
Finger 2 – Field Survey – penetrate into – Assess, diagnose and refer treatment plan.
Finger 3 – Chilli growing – generating activity to families registered by the project and project pro market.
Finger 4. Education – Special school  Kitaziguruka.
Finger 5 Club foot/learning life skill clinic which is the reason for the building / Rehabilitation. Newly born – Day 1 to 2 years clubfoot are treatable.

Education  – Blind to Hombe Junior Kitazigurukwa – Mainstream/Government/ Physically handicapped.
Deaf- special teachers and progress to children, mentally retarded and physically handicapped eg. mobility and cognitive disability.
Stretch  out to the former greater Kigezi.

Hold surgical camps especially when there are surgeons e.g. from U.K.

 Five fingers Project.

  1. Medical Services
  2. Field Surveys
  3. Chilli Growing
  4. Education [Special school]
  5. Club foot /Leaning life skill clinics.