You are currently viewing 9 Ordained as Priests while other 9 ordered as Deacons

9 Ordained as Priests while other 9 ordered as Deacons

Following a 4 days retreat, 9 have been ordained as Priests while other 9 ordered as Deacons. The ordination took place today on 8th December 2019 at the North Kigezi Diocese Consecration site, Kinyasano. The ordination was officiated by the Rt. Rev. Benon Magezi; Bishop of North Kigezi Diocese.  The Ordinands included 2 females and 16 males.

The Ordained Deacons included;

  • Grace Atukunda Arinda
  • Edson Ampaire
  • Ngabirano Martine
  • Amanya Patson
  • Alex Mutuze
  • Muriisa I saac
  • Caleb Karabamu
  • Syson Gumiriza
  • George Kahanyure

The Ordained Priests included;

  • Agnes Ainembabazi Tugume
  • Stanley Natukunda
  • Asiimwe Frank
  • Benon Rwandaragyi
  • Joseph Tugume
  • Nyesiga Obed
  • Henry Musinguzi
  • Moses Kamusiime
  • Johnson Kamuniini

During the same event, 6 clergy and archdeacons were bid farewell as they were retiring. These included; Rev. Canon Gershom Muhanga, Rev. Canon Nathan Kirbete, Rev. Wasswa Elisha, Rev. Canon. Gershom Twinamatsiko, Rev. Kakiza, and Rev. Tindiwegyi.

To the newly ordained Priests and Deacons; Congratulations! We wish you all the best in your Stewardship.

To the retiring Clergy; Well done Good and Faithful servants! May God reward you for your good Stewardship.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Owokwesiga David

    Our labour in God is not in vain….serve faithfully

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