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You are welcome to partner with us for the development of our Diocese for the Glory of God.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_custom_heading text=”Welcome to North Kigezi Diocese” use_theme_fonts=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1561194820705{margin-bottom: 17px !important;}”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1630651664419{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]
North Kigezi is an autonomous Diocese in the Church of the Province of Uganda, covering the administrative District of Rukungiri in South western Uganda, approximately 400 Km from Kampala, Uganda’s capital. North Kigezi was curved out of Kigezi Diocese in 1981
North Kigezi borders with Kinkiizi diocese (Kanungu district) to the West and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the Northwest, Rubirizi district to the North, Mitooma district to the North East, Ntungamo district to the East, Kabale district to the South.
North Kigezi is traditionally an East African Revival influenced territory. Our heritage is the Spiritual Revival movement that swung across the region of Kigezi around 1920s and 1940s. The Diocese continues to grow in strength both numerically and service. Currently, the Diocese has 13 Archdeaconries, 80 parishes and 220 sub parishes.
Our Diocese delivery service system falls under several departments. These include; Mission and Evangelism, Mother’s Union, Fathers’ Union, Education, Household and Community Transformation/Development, Health, Youth and Children and Finance.
We also have Church founded institutions like Educational Institutions; Schools and Colleges, Health facilities, Financial institution/North Kigezi Diocese SACCO.
We partner with various charity organizations mainly for the Spiritual and Socio-economic (holistic approach) in development and transformation of our communities. Our partners in mission include but not limited to; WATSAN (UK Support Group), Armidale Diocese(Australia), G.O.D.S/Chilli Children’s Project (UK), Compassion International, Mosaic Vision ministries(US), Friends of North Kigezi Diocese/FNKD(UK), Christian Partners in Africa(UK), Etc.
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Chairman Board of Mission North Kigezi Diocese
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I am Rev. Canon George Kinyanda, retired Archdeacon, and Chairman Board of Mission North Kigezi Diocese. I participated in the creation of North Kigezi Diocese. I therefore have seen all in its growth.
Since the inception of the Diocese in 1981, evangelism has been on the fore front. It has been the vanguard of all activities in the diocese. There has been nurturing, equipping, disciple making, comforting of the bereaved, visiting the sick and the needy, fellowship meetings and continuous preaching and teaching throughout.
Consequently, there has been growth and development of Christianity throughout its formative years. Also the growth is the result of revival movement impact on Christians as our inheritance in Kigezi region. The growth has also brought a great impact on Christians growing together in Christ (Ephesians 4: 15, the Diocesan motto).
The internal work relationship from bottom-top and top-bottom has been good. This relationship has produced the following; Good governance, self-sustainability, peaceful transition in leadership, resource mobilization, vehicle maintenance and socio-economic development. For international relations, this has opened windows of blessings in areas of medical child care, youth and women mobilization, capacity building, training, education interventions and agriculture.
The above achievements bring this diocese to be one of the few stable, strong ad peaceful dioceses in the province of the Church of Uganda. However, the whole successful service delivery has been due to the control and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Glory be to His name.